With Winter just around the corner, it’s time to warm things up a little. We have had so many requests for more home styling tips and with a change of season just around the corner, we thought it only appropriate to share some helpful tips on how you can style the perfect cozy space.
We’re taking this beyond the trends, we’re talking simple and beautiful ways you can add warmth to any space without the need to Google the latest trends before you step out. Either using what you have in your own home or something you can pick up at your favorite home decor store. Once again, it does not have to be trending! Find what you love that makes your space feel ready for winter.
Here are some tips I incorporate in my own home, or add to my client’s homes during the styling stage of the design process.
Warm Lighting for a Winter Glow
It’s getting darker earlier so we are going to miss our natural lighting we rely on so much during the warmer months. Now is a great time to invest in that beautiful floor lamp or place a lamp on the end table that needs a little extra something.
Winter Wonderland Accessorizing
The fireplace is going to be getting a lot more use and will be attracting more attention. Add some fun winter inspired decorations to the mantel for interest. Ideas: A mirror layered with tall candlesticks and winter foliage. Add a wood stand (and be sure to put some logs in it!)
More pillows! More throws! I love adding layers of texture for warmth – they look beautiful and warm but they are also functional. Easy access to a throw is the best way to get cozy real quick on the couch. Pillows with a warmer texture/feel…like lush velvets or knits.
Add a rug, or a layer to your existing rug. We all love to see a beautiful wood floor, but this is a great time to warm up your space for Winter by adding a rug. You can even add a faux hide or decorative rug on top of your existing rug (keep in mind, if you’re going to layer with a patterned rug, it’s probably best to choose the rug in your home with the least pattern.
A Winter fragrance. I yummy smelling pine, pumpkin or apple cinnamon candle always evokes the feeling of winter. Candles are also the perfect addition for mood lighting.
Change up the Furniture for an Intimate Atmosphere
If space plan allows – move chairs closer to the fireplace. Add a furry foot stool or small bench near the hearth. Move an accent chair to the corner next to a window – a cozy space for reading or drinking a cup of pumpkin spice tea.

While we’re talking about windows…
Block the chilly draft from a window by layering decorative window treatments on top of the sheers and even a bench with a pillow to finish it off.
Happy winter decorating!