Happy Holidays!
Winter is near and it’s time for Christmas to take over. Then again, is it really? If you were following our Holiday Prep series, you may have already finished your menu, your gift shopping and your decorating. If not, don’t panic! Take a deep breath, sit down with a cup of coffee or hot tea, and begin writing a list. It is so easy to lose our routine of self-care during this season, it’s all about giving, hosting, traveling and hopefully relaxing. I am here to remind you that taking care of you is most important. Here are 5 tips and a self-care shopping guide to ensure you have the inspiration to get back to some much needed self-care.
1. If the sun is out, get out! Soak up some Vitamin-D to get those good feelings moving. No sun, no problem. Find a good supplement to take during these cloudy months.
2. Treat yourself to a good moisturizer and keep your skin hydrated. Why “treat” yourself, because you deserve gifting yourself something a little special makes all the difference.
3. Don’t let your exercise routine fall to the wayside. Yes, there may be a time crunch or the seasonal schedule change may not allow a trip to the gym, but there is always a quiet corner in your home for a little bit of stretching and meditation.
4. Get cozy and relax. There is no better time of the year than this to wrap up under a warm blanket with a cup of tea and enjoy some family time, or a little bit of Netflix.
5. Embrace the beauty of Winter. It may be gray, wet and cloudy, or dirty and slushy where you are, but don’t look past the beauty these chilly months bring. I love the suggestion from Thrive Global -“Commit to taking a winter photo a day for a week, a month or all of winter. Play with photo filter apps. Notice how looking at winter with an artistic eye can shift your thoughts and feelings about the day.”
Bundle up with a cozy throw from Williams-Sonoma | Stay moisturized with Clinique iD | Tea for two, because a chat with a friend is sometimes the best soul food. | Can’t make it to the gym? Here’s an app that leaves you no excuses. Gixo. | Something for a little vitamin d3 boost. | Stay hydrated. It’s easy to forget when you’re cold and staying fueled with hot drinks, but for the sake of your skin and your health, keep the water close by. If you need a reminder… guess what?… there’s an app (and a bottle) for that!
Happy Winter Self!