Hey all-
I don’t know about you, but I am over the top excited for spring this year. Color of Spring is everywhere!! Living in the Pacific Northwest I have endured the rainy winter months with great tolerance (I tried anyway). I have a boost of energy, love being outdoors, and can’t get enough of the spring color surrounding me. Fashion, home decor, nature, you name it!! Color is everywhere and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
Have you found yourself with a boost of energy as well? How about a little zip in your step? Spring has that effect on us, we know color certainly has an effect on us. So if you’re not outdoors gardening have you found yourself indoors with a bug to re-paint, redecorate or even remodel? Many of us do, myself included.
Here are a few ideas or inspiration on where to start.
- Add some fresh cut flowers to your kitchen counter top, dining table, bathrooms and even your bedroom. Color pots on your exterior porch or patio.
2. Bring in throw pillows for your sofa in a fun fresh spring print or geometric print in a bright color.
3. Fragrance-spring scented candles or oils freshen the air. Open your windows and let the fragrance spread.
4. Paint- are you up for a bigger task? Paint a small wall, powder room, niche in your entry or hallway a new fresh color.
5. Picture frames or picture mat boards-swap them out for fun spring colors
6. Dishes- add a few pieces of ceramics. display on your counter tops.
7. Paper Napkins and Straws-most party supply stores like Target Joann’s and Michaels all carry fun, colorful paper napkins in fun prints or geometrics with paper straws. Have fun and serve dinner to your family with these fun touches.
Happy Spring everyone!